Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Both Grace and Cole have started doing soccer. Cole has been playing since he could walk thanks to his daddy, but this is the first organized thing we have put him in. He is doing Olathe Rush's Micro soccer program where he just goes for an hour a week and does basic drills and some scrimmaging. Grace was on a tball team this summer with a bunch of girls from her school, and we had so much fun, and she loved it soooo much that when those same girls invited us to do soccer we thought, why not? She had her first game two weeks ago, and it started raining towards the end and we all got totally soaked, but she did sooooo good! She surprised all of us with how well she hung in there, running up and down the field in the middle of the herd! She really has some good dribbling skills. Last week her game was rained out, but we are so looking foward to this week's game because it so fun to watch her!

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