Monday, January 26, 2009

a sweet prayer

As i have said before i am doing beth moore's esther study and it is awesome. i know people around me get tired of me saying things about the study, but when i am in one of her studies everything seems to relate. This week was no exception. On the first day of the study beth was talking about how sometimes temptation seems to be like a battering ram that incessantly bangs at your door daily. And we as followers of Christ need to stop trying to rely on our moods, and instead rely on a mind set that is on victory over the temptation. I have always had poor will power. I am really trying to figure out why, but for some reason i am just not good at setting my mind to something and sticking to it. It's weird because i am a strong person in other areas, but God has such a work to do with me still in the area of will. In the past it has been with some more self destructive things that i have dealt with, but right now to be honest it is with food, and staying on a healthy eating plan. I know everyone deals with this in some capacity, but i just feel like i have such weak willpower, and i need to surrender my will over to God and allow him to give me a powerful mindset that can overcome temptation. In the study beth ends her day by asking that we as women would pray a prayer of scripture for her and for each other. I thought it was amazing and just what i needed, so here it is.
My beloved sister, may God be allowed to work such steadfastness
of mind in you that "the bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze,
and your strength will equal your days" (Deut. 33:25)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just some random thoughts...

So I just wanted to post some things that i am really liking right now:
1. The Beth Moore Esther study that i am leading right now-every time I do one of her studies i think that this one is my favorite, and this one is no exception.....amazing! And i love teaching. And I love all the ladies that are in it with me.
2. This song that is playing which i heard on this blog that i regularly follow. She has no idea that i exist because she is totally a blog celeb, but everything she does is sickeningly cute.....but i can't get enough! (Also, i am totally not music savvy, so this song might be totally 2008, and everyone has already heard it, but i had never heard it and i LOVED it!)
3. The small group that Rich and I recently started in, and the fact that we are about to start studying one of my favorite books of the bible, Acts, in this group.
4. Iced Tea-Since i have chosen to give up pop this is pretty much all i drink all day long.
5. Slumdog Millionaire-This movie totally rocks. I love that they dance at the end. I think the girl in it is so gorgeous. And it is just an amazing story.
6. The fact that we are having our basement finished right now, and it will be done by the end of next week!! (pics to come soon)
7. The Bachelor-I am shamelessly addicted (thanks to Jenn for making me watch last season's finale) and i have strong opinions about which girls i like and don't like, so ask me anytime if you are interested.
8. The progress that i am making toward my weight loss goal

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Plug for a friend

So i have really begun to realize lately how i have some of the most creative friends ever. I wanted to give a plug for one of my great friends who has been my friend since high school, and i love her dearly. She and her husband moved to Virginia a couple of years ago so her husband could attend Virginia Tech's medical school which was a total bummer on my end, but very good for them. She is a teacher there, but is also an incredible photographer. Here is a link to her website, and if you know anyone who lives in the area of Blacksburg, VA who could use her, let them know!

Monday, January 5, 2009

First Monday of a new year...

So a good friend of mine always said that she likes to start something new on a monday. So as the first Monday of the new year, i thought i would start my resolutions today. They really aren't anything different or out of the ordinary for resolutions. Pretty much they are things that i have been saying i want to do for awhile, and yes, i know that 99.9% of resolutions made in the first of January fail, but i won't let the pessimists stop me. i am going to do it anyway. and i thought i would blog about it so my friends, if i have any that still read my blog, could keep me accountable. So if you are reading this, i urge you to ask me about how this is going in a couple of weeks. My first resolution is, of course, to be more healthy. But don't worry, i know that is ridiculously vague so here is the action steps that go along with it.
1. Say bye-bye to ALL pop (sniff, sniff)
2. Eat a healthy breakfast (this may not sound like much to some of you, but i never eat breakfast, i just don't feel hungry at all early in the morning, and i am rushing around trying to get my kids fed and off to school, so it just doesn't happen.)
3. Do some form of real excercise for 20 min a day (again, not much but when you are doing nothing...)
So that is resolution #1, and resolution #2 is also pretty boring and non-original, but it is totally necessary. It is to wake up one hour earlier. The really good thing about this one is that i am going to be leading a beth moore bible study on esther starting this friday, and i soooo excited about it, and am a beth moore junkie, so i plan on preparing and doing my study in the mornings, while i eat my healthy breakfast ;)
So again, i welcome people's feedback and definitely need people to hold me accountable. And i would love to hear your resoutions if you are willing!